Alon on Flash and Canvas at SXSW

Alon Salant ·


I’m looking forward to participating in a panel Is Canvas the End of Flash? this month at SXSW on the role the new HTML Canvas element is playing in web development and how it compares to Flash. Much of the perspective I have for this panel comes from my long history working with Flash and from our recent work with Canvas for Isilon Systems on InsightIQ.

The panel has been organized by Greg Veen of SmallBatch, Inc., creators of TypeKit and includes Chet Haas from the Adobe Flex team, Nathan Germick from social gaming start up Wonderhill and Ben Galbraith from Palm and Mozilla, also lead of the ambitious Bespin project.

Come check us out if you’re going to be in Austin.

Also check out some of the presentations by friends of Carbon Five at SXSW:

From Dinosaurs to Digital: A Museum Convergence Success Story from Maria Giudice of Hot Studio on her work with Jonathon Denholtz of the California Academy of Sciences.

Social Search: A Little Help From My Friends a panel on social search organized by Brynn Evans that includes CEO Max Ventilla from our recently acquired client Aardvark.

Beyond the Desktop: Embracing New Interaction Paradigms a panel on interactions that go beyond keyboard+mouse includes Nathan Moody of Stimulant, masters of the multitouch Microsoft Surface and NUI design.