Articles on Development

Mitch Saltykov

Mitch Saltykov

Story Nanoslicing

It’s the start of a new project for our team, and we’re all excited to get development rolling. The Product Owner’s grand vision sounds great, but how do we get from that vision to the day-to-day detailed stories we’ll need to work on? We’re not about to go off into a cave to build in

Nancy Samahito

Nancy Samahito

Creating Successful Online Banking Products – Agile Growth Workshop Recap

Banking and financial institutions are rapidly working on digitizing products to stay relevant and better serve customers, but, the truth is, modernizing banking experiences is incredibly difficult. A digital project in the banking world is nothing short of an order of magnitude. The requirements behind developing successful banking products are staggering compared to the average

Sarah Port

Sarah Port

A Tale of Two GitHubs: A Practical Guide

Let’s say you have two GitHub accounts: one is a work account that you use for professional projects, and the other is for your top secret hacker projects. This can cause problems like trying to push to a repository with an account that doesn’t have access or having the wrong GitHub author in your commits.

Brian Griggs

Brian Griggs

It’s Never Been Better to Get Started with Cypress Web Tests

If your project could at all be described as a web application, your UX pipeline would likely benefit from adopting Cypress. Beating out Selenium on speed as well as breadth of testing tools, Cypress provides automated testing of your website’s critical features in a matter of minutes. A testing framework built on top of many

Prakash Venkatraman

Prakash Venkatraman

How to Deploy Elixir Releases with Ansible

In my last post, I described how to generate a platform-specific Elixir release. Now, the only thing left to do is to put it on the world wide web. To follow along with this post, you’ll need a few things: An IP address for a remote machine (preferably running Linux) you want to deploy your

Shannon Wells

Shannon Wells

Reflections in Go, for Cats

Several months ago, I had a story requiring metaprogramming in golang. I wasn’t very familiar with reflections in Go, and the available docs and write-ups aren’t the best for me, since I’m a learn-by-example kind of person. Having come to Go (ha) as a Rubyist, the lack of generics left a little bit of a

Linden Melvin

Linden Melvin

Authorization and Authentication in GraphQL

Introduction GraphQL is growing in popularity because it allows applications to request only the data they need using a strongly-typed, self-documenting query structure that enables an API to deliver data that can evolve over time. Unlike traditional REST APIs, GraphQL exposes a single endpoint to query and mutate data. Upon learning this, one of the

Sarah Port

Sarah Port

Writing ZSH Themes: A Quickref

Customizing your terminal is a fun way to streamline and personalize your digital workspace. People are more productive when using tools they enjoy and tend to value things they made themselves at a premium, but, as with all technical adventures, it can also be a little tedious to track down all the relevant documentation. This

Elixir-Docker-Carbon Five
Prakash Venkatraman

Prakash Venkatraman

Cross-Platform Elixir Releases with Docker

While releases are meant to be self-contained executables, they still call out to native system libraries to do things like open TCP sockets and write to files. That means that the native libraries referenced at compile time need to be exactly the same as the ones on your target machine. Unless you can guarantee that your workstation and cloud are exactly the same, releases can seem like only half the promise of a stress-free deployment.

Eric Fung

Eric Fung

Migrating From Sprockets to Webpacker

Starting with Rails 6, Webpacker became the default asset compiler, replacing sprockets–better known as the asset pipeline. While the asset pipeline was a big step for its time in making it easy to package JS, CSS, and images, webpack has matured enough to do all of the above and more, due to modern JavaScript’s support