Articles on bdd

Rudy Jahchan

Rudy Jahchan

BDD Composition over Inheritance with RSpec Shared Examples

The technique of composition over inheritience is more than simply encapsulating objects into larger entities; its really about defining models as being made up of resuable behaviors. It makes sense then in Behavaior Driven Design we apply the technique not just when writing the implementations of our models but also when creating the specifications themselves.

Jared Carroll

Jared Carroll

Beginning Outside-In Rails Development with Cucumber and RSpec

The RSpec Book defines outside-in Rails development as starting with views and working your way in toward the models. By developing from the outside in, you are always taking a client perspective at each layer of the application. The end result is an absolute minimum implementation, consisting of simple, expressive interfaces. Outside-in development doesn’t require

Ben Lindsey

Ben Lindsey

Behavior Driven Development for node.js

On Tuesday night, the San Francisco Server Side JavaScripters had an excellent meetup hosted by the folks at CBS Interactive. I gave a short talk on using zombie.js with jasmine-node to test drive your node.js application under automation. Here is the video: Here are the slides from my presentation: And here is the source