Articles on mvc

Jared Carroll

Jared Carroll

Test-Driving the Design of MVC Based Apps

Using tests to drive out the design of objects is an effective way to write code. By taking the perspective of a client, your objects will develop simple, and intuitive interfaces. In addition, the tests act as both documentation and an automated, regression test suite. In this post, we’ll outline a basic test-driven workflow for

Jared Carroll

Jared Carroll

Exploring Client-side MVC with Backbone.js

Backbone.js continues to gain popularity in the JavaScript MVC community. I decided to give it a try by creating a simple, single-page app to CRUD a single domain model. While it wasn’t as trivial as a traditional server-side implementation in Rails, it did turn out relatively clean. This is a long post, and if you

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Stripes: A Successful First Project

We’re wrapping up a project that I’ve been leading since September and I’ve been reflecting on some of my decisions. Some of this reflection might be interesting to other developers. There are a few things on my mind, but I’ll start off off with my decision to use Stripes as our MVC instead of our