Articles on nodejs

Rudy Jahchan

Rudy Jahchan

vimtronner: A Multiplayer, Command-line vim Trainer Built on Node.js and

Greetings, programs! Meet vimtronner, a multiplayer command-line game that teaches you the core vim keys. Be the last player alive by either controlling your bike safely around obstacles or building your own walls for your opponents to crash into. Just remember: you can’t do both at the same time! You can learn how to install

Ben Lindsey

Ben Lindsey

Behavior Driven Development for node.js

On Tuesday night, the San Francisco Server Side JavaScripters had an excellent meetup hosted by the folks at CBS Interactive. I gave a short talk on using zombie.js with jasmine-node to test drive your node.js application under automation. Here is the video: Here are the slides from my presentation: And here is the source

Ben Lindsey

Ben Lindsey

Deploying node.js on Amazon EC2

After nearly a month of beating my head against the wall that is hosted node.js stacks — with their fake beta invites and non-existent support — I decided it was time to take matters into my own hands. Amazon Web Service (AWS) offers 12 months of a micro instance for free (as in beer) with