Articles by Andrew Hao

Andrew Hao

Andrew Hao

The 10 Practices of Healthy Engineering Teams – Part 1

Behold the engineering team at SuperStartupCorp: their steady delivery of features, humble reception of feedback and crafting of well-architected software systems earn them praise up and down the company. The team greatly enjoys working together, and consistently leaves the office feeling accomplished, empowered, and happy. How is this team able to consistently deliver features for

Andrew Hao

Andrew Hao

Creating the Dream Team: Transform Your Engineering Organization to Attract New Talent

It’s a common scenario for tech companies: Your hiring pipeline is dry and you can’t seem to attract new talent. You notice companies touting long lists of superficial benefits. Instead of improving your internal team, you find yourself worrying about getting a pro-grade ping pong table for the break room. You don’t need helicopter rides

Andrew Hao

Andrew Hao

Docker, Rails, & Docker Compose together in your development workflow

We’ve been trialing the usage of Docker and Docker Compose (previously known as fig) on a Rails project here at Carbon Five. In the past, my personal experience with Docker had been that the promise of portable containerized apps was within reach, but the tooling and development workflow were still awkward – commands were complex,