Articles by Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Continuous Integration and Build Promotion

We have a build server and we practice continuous integration on all of our projects. In fact, it’s pretty much the first thing we set up after version control. We’re feedback junkies. It became especially apparent while working on a client project last year where we used their development infrastructure. They had a build server

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Stripes: A Successful First Project

We’re wrapping up a project that I’ve been leading since September and I’ve been reflecting on some of my decisions. Some of this reflection might be interesting to other developers. There are a few things on my mind, but I’ll start off off with my decision to use Stripes as our MVC instead of our

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

More fun with Java Concurrency: BlockingQueue

I’ve written about Java 5 concurrency in the past and I’ve recently had the opportunity to make use of another one of the concurrency constructs: the BlockingQueue. The Problem There’s a problem we’ve seen a few times in the last few years. From time to time, applications must import data from external systems and massage

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Make the things you do often fast and easy

Many of our projects are ‘greenfield’ and we have the opportunity to do things the way we like. By working on new projects every few months, as opposed to one project over the course of years, we have lots of opportunity to easily tweak and tune the way we do things. Not all of our

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Java Database Migrations

News: v0.9.9-m2 has been released! A while back, I wrote to introduce the first incarnation of the Carbon Five Database Migration tools, a simple though powerful framework for applying discrete changes to a database and tracking which changes have been applied to a specific database. It was inspired by Rails’ Migration support. We’ve made a

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Database Testing with Spring 2.5 and DBUnit

Note: Version 0.9.1 of c5-test-support has been released. We’ve been using DB Unit on our Java projects for years and the mechanics of how it’s used has evolved over time. I’ve recently spent some time making it work a little nicer for how we typically write database tests. What I’ve created makes using DBUnit on

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Multithreaded Testing

Every now and then you’ll work on something that needs to handle requests from multiple concurrent threads in a special way. I say “special way” because in a web application, everything needs to handle being executed concurrently and there are a slew of techniques used to handle this (prototypes, thread locals, stateless services, etc). Here’s

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Configuring applications with Spring

If you’ve used Spring before, you’ve almost definitely used a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to inject settings from external sources — most likely properties files — into your application context. The most common use cases include JDBC and Hibernate settings, but it’s not that uncommon to also configure Lucene index, temp file, or image cache directories as well.

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Injecting Spring 2.5 beans into Stripes Actions

I’ve been playing around with Stripes, a light-weight, well-designed simple Java web MVC framework recently. I haven’t had the pleasure of working with it on a production application yet, but hope to sometime soon. Meanwhile, I’ve been tinkering on a pet project. As you may know, we often use Spring for lifecycle management of our

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Introducing Java DB Migrations

UPDATE: A new version of the Java DB Migrations framework has been release, check this post for details and the project documentation.</p Here at Carbon Five we have the luxury of working on many projects, so anything we can do to make things easier will pay off in multiplicity across new projects. One of the