Articles on TypeScript

Zoe Madden-Wood

Zoe Madden-Wood

Adjusting to TypeScript 101

Super Simple Hacks While You’re Figuring Out Your Workflow There are a lot of really great reasons to use TypeScript, but we’ve occasionally encountered some hesitancy from programmers not sure how much of an adjustment it will be. Learning Typescript is not as complicated as say learning Elm and I’d argue it’s more enjoyable to

Erin Swenson-Healey

Erin Swenson-Healey

An Introduction to ADTs and Structural Pattern Matching in TypeScript

Preface To quote Rúnar Bjarnason: One of the great features of modern programming languages is structural pattern matching on algebraic data types. Once you’ve used this feature, you don’t ever want to program without it. You will find this in languages like Haskell and Scala. I couldn’t agree more myself. That said, I spend most