Articles on web development

Mitch Saltykov

Mitch Saltykov

Story Nanoslicing

It’s the start of a new project for our team, and we’re all excited to get development rolling. The Product Owner’s grand vision sounds great, but how do we get from that vision to the day-to-day detailed stories we’ll need to work on? We’re not about to go off into a cave to build in

Jon Rogers

Jon Rogers

Why Write Good Pull Requests?

Writing a good, clean pull request description gives us developers a chance to use words (not code) to explain why we are making the change, describe the problem this code is solving, and provide context around why we chose a particular implementation.

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Tech Talk: Seth Ladd on Dart

Seth Ladd (Google, @sethladd) joined us last week and presented An Introduction to Dart: The structured web development platform. You should check it out, the folks over at Google are doing some interesting things. Dart is young and has potential. Learn more about Dart at Thanks Seth! Looking forward to the next one.