The good folks at Instagram posted a fun challenge on their engineering blog recently: “Your challenge, if you choose to accept it, is to write a simple script that takes a shredded image in as input and outputs an unshredded and reconstituted image. That is, imagine if you took an image, divided it into an …
We are heavy users of Pivotal Tracker here at Carbon Five, and each project evolves workflows around its use. I recently spent some time writing a Chrome extension to help support some of the common interaction patterns that come up in our workflows. This blog post is not about that. I started to write up …
I’ve recently started exploring the new(ish) programming language “Go”. Go is intended to be a systems programming language and offers speed and low-level API along with some sweet features and the beginnings of a great standard library. At Carbon Five we do most of our work in Ruby, JavaScript, Objective-C, and lately, node.js. I’ve really …