Articles by Lo Wheelwright

Lo Wheelwright

Lo Wheelwright

Ground Control to Major Tom: How to Excel in Remote Research

At Carbon Five, we believe that to make a successful product – you need to talk to your users often. What, when and how, always looks different as each project has unique circumstances, assumptions, and goals.

Lo Wheelwright

Lo Wheelwright

Approaching Gender in Software Products

It is a delight to use software that seems to really ‘get’ you as a person! To achieve this, it requires that the software has been built by people who sought out to understand their users. When software isn’t built with its users in mind, it has the potential to leave its users feeling alienated.

Lo Wheelwright

Lo Wheelwright

Sketched, not Stirred: Attempts to Host a Drink + Draw

This is the journal of two LA designers attempting to host a drink and draw series. But to start – why a drink and draw? As designers in an office of 20-ish developers, we felt lonely (or insane) cooing over our own grid paper. Some days felt like far too much screen time and an