May you find the droids you are looking for

Nick Peterson ·

Star Wars Day isn’t the only thing to look forward to this May. Join us for some new (and classic) events this month. If you’re looking for some adventure our hack nights are a great place to find it. Find kindred souls, work on your own projects, or build a lightsaber. Every hack night is different but they are always free and everyone is invited to laugh, learn, and drink beer at a Carbon Five office near you. Interested in something more cerebral? Have lunch at AutoDesk for a Sum of the Parts talk or join us in our new LA office for an AIGA Workshop.

Check out a full lineup of our events below.

Los Angeles  Map
Have you been to our LA office before? We’ve moved to a larger space. See you there!

Wed, May 13 @ 6pm // Hack Night

Wed, May 20 @ 7pm // VR Workshop
Following Rudy Jahchans VR talk at EmpireJS, we are sharing VR concepts for the Android platform, using Google Cardboard and Unity. Space is limited so sign up now!

Tue, May 26 @ 7pm // Sketching For UX Workshop (AIGA)
David Hendee and @YasmineMolavi share the basics and best practices of UX sketching with a workshop where participants will learn how to create personas, six ups and paper prototypes at the Carbon Five LA office. Presented by AIGA.

Wed, May 27 @ 6pm // Hack Night

San Francisco – Map

Wed, May 13 @ 6pm // Hack Night

Fri, May 15 @ Noon // Faster Horses, Flying Cars (AutoDesks Sum of the Parts)
David Hendee is spending lunch diving into the science of innovation, evolutionary biology and complex systems at AutoDesk’s Sum of the Parts at the AutoDesk Gallery.
Free and open to the public – RSVP TodayMap

Chattanooga – Map

Wed, May 13 @ 6pm // Hack Night

Wed, May 27 @ 6pm // Hack Night

Ping us on Twitter @carbonfive if you’ll be at any of these or if there’s an event we should attend.

May the 4th be with you,