Search for “test”

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Unit testing JavaScript with Blue Ridge

My current rails project is using Blue Ridge and the tool set it bundles together (Rhino, env.js, Screw.Unit, and Smoke) to write test driven JavaScript. The ability to write tests of my JavaScript, in JavaScript, as efficiently as I can test other languages has forced me to rethink how I structure my work and I’m

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

C5 Test Support new addition: FunctionalTestRunner

We’re always looking for new ways to test our applications and we’ve been trying a few new things on our projects. One of the recent additions is a JUnit test runner designed to help make writing and running functional tests easier. In Javaland, we use Selenium and/or HtmlUnit for our functional tests. These are the

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Web Application Testing @ SDForum October 6th

Updated: Added links to presentation and source code. I’ll be down in Palo Alto speaking about Automated Web Application Testing Tuesday October 6th. If you’re interest in getting a peek at the typical Carbon Five Java web architecture along with a variety of strategies and techniques for testing, c’mon down and join us. The session

Alon Salant

Alon Salant

iPhone Unit Testing Toolkit

As we get in to developing iPhone/Touch applications at Carbon Five, we obviously want to bring over all our best agile practices including test driven development (TDD). I’ve been bootstrapping with the beta version of the Pragmatic iPhone SDK Development book but was disappointed to find no discussion of unit testing for the iPhone. So

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Database Testing with Spring 2.5 and DBUnit

Note: Version 0.9.1 of c5-test-support has been released. We’ve been using DB Unit on our Java projects for years and the mechanics of how it’s used has evolved over time. I’ve recently spent some time making it work a little nicer for how we typically write database tests. What I’ve created makes using DBUnit on

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Multithreaded Testing

Every now and then you’ll work on something that needs to handle requests from multiple concurrent threads in a special way. I say “special way” because in a web application, everything needs to handle being executed concurrently and there are a slew of techniques used to handle this (prototypes, thread locals, stateless services, etc). Here’s

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

DBUnit 2.2, Spring, and Testing

You may have noticed that DBUnit changed its connection closing behavior in v2.2. We noticed it when tests deriving from our custom DatabaseTestCase implementation (which uses DBUnit) starting failing. Initially we just reverted back to version 2.1. Since then I’ve discovered what the problem was and found a workaround, and while I was at it,

Orange, yellow, and blue construction paper folded halfway against a light blue background
Ben Dicks

Ben Dicks

New Product Designers: Here’s How to Craft a Successful Portfolio in 2022

It’s safe to say that a portfolio is one of the most important means to landing your first design job. Yet the work to build a portfolio is arduous for designers at any level. Gathering artifacts and documentation from past projects is time-consuming and often reveals disparities in depth, breadth, and overall quality from project

Graphic of the West Monroe and Carbon Five logos that says "Creating Exceptional Products, Together"
Carbon Five

Carbon Five

West Monroe Acquires Carbon Five to Continue Growing Digital Product Development Solutions

WEDNESDAY, DEC. 1 — Today, West Monroe announced it has acquired Carbon Five, a national product management, digital design, and software engineering firm. The acquisition is part of West Monroe’s strategy to expand its end-to-end digital services in response to unprecedented market demand and comes on the heels of acquiring Verys, a 200-person product development

Black computer keyboard
Albert Yi

Albert Yi

Take Command of Your Ruby Code with the Command Pattern

It’s no secret that Ruby trivializes many classic design patterns. What might take 30 lines in Java can often be a one-liner in Ruby. But there’s more to learning a design pattern than reading some pseudo code about Widgets and AbstractFlyweightDecoratorFactory classes. The Command pattern is an abstraction that will be familiar to most experienced