Search for “test”

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Running Xcode 4 unit tests from the command line

Command line builds for Xcode 4 projects are a good first step but I really want to get my project’s tests running on a continuous integration server again. Since “test” isn’t a valid build action to pass to xcodebuild I’ve been looking for a configuration which would allow me to run tests in a headless

Michael Wynholds

Michael Wynholds

Raking and Testing with EventMachine

I have been getting more and more interested in high-performance Ruby apps, and in EventMachine in particular. First of all, super props to Aman Gupta for EM, and to some other Ruby devs out there who have been writing libraries and drivers on top if it, such as Ilya Grigorik, and Carbon Five’s own Mike

Christian Bradley

Christian Bradley

Start Testing Your Migrations. (Right Now)

Migrations are a necessary part of any Rails project. At some point, you need to modify the structure of your database, normalize data that exists within those tables, or refactor the architecture entirely. The migrations for these tasks can vary in complexity from simple “add_column” statements to extreme SQL with nested joins and subselects. To

Jared Carroll

Jared Carroll

Test Driving Your Tests by Writing Them Backwards

In many traditional software development methodologies you write tests for your code after you write your code. TDD reverses this process by requiring you to write your tests before you write your code. By writing your test first you immediately take the viewpoint of a client of the code you are about to write. This

Jared Carroll

Jared Carroll

Shy Tests and Ping Pong Pair Programming

I’ve had my best pair programming experiences using a technique called ping pong pair programming. This is a back and forth style of development that goes something like this: pair A writes a test pair B makes it pass pair B writes a test pair A makes it pass This is a great way to

Christian Bradley

Christian Bradley

Speedy Test Iterations for Rails 3 with Spork and Guard

Overview TDD is fun, right? Rails enthusiasts and agile evangelists alike agree. Waiting for your tests to run, however, makes for a frustrating experience. When the time between test iterations is magnified by bloated tests it can be hard to maintain a purist’s test-driven approach. After looking into autotest, parallel testing, and in-memory databases, I

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Testing iPhone View Controllers

I have been writing tests around my iPhone apps’ view controllers in order to follow the same TDD practices we use in other environments. Writing tests first has changed the way I structure my code in a couple of ways which I think offer immediate and emergent benefits for my applications. Most of an iPhone

Andy Peterson

Andy Peterson

Javascript Testing Talk in Oakland

Next week at EBig Jonah and I are wrapping up our world tour of talking about Javascript testing. March 17th in Oakland: “Recent evolutions in Javascript testing frameworks now allow creating test suites, test-driving development, and running tests on a continuous integration server. This allows us to support more complex Javascript, have confidence in the implementation,

Andy Peterson

Andy Peterson

Test-Driven JavaScript with ScrewUnit and BlueRidge

Jonah and I are taking our presentation about Javascript Testing on the road next Tuesday at 6:30 in Palo Alto, at the SDForum The teaser for it… Recent evolutions in JavaScript testing frameworks now allow creating test suites, test-driving development, and running tests on a continuous integration server. This allows us to support more complex JavaScript,

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

Screw.Unit JS Testing in Maven: javascript-test-maven-plugin

I’ve written a maven plugin to integrate Screw.Unit javascript tests into a maven build. The project is inspired by the Blue Ridge testing framework for Rails, but it’s a bit more light-weight by design.