I’ve written a maven plugin to integrate Screw.Unit javascript tests into a maven build. The project is inspired by the Blue Ridge testing framework for Rails, but it’s a bit more light-weight by design.
To use the plugin you should start by downloading Screw.Unit and implement your tests according to their instructions. Once you have some tests implemented in html files, add the plugin to your maven pom file:
<plugin> <executions> <execution> <goals><goal>javascript-test</goal></goals> </execution> </executions> <groupId>com.carbonfive.javascript-test</groupId> <artifactId>javascript-test-maven-plugin</artifactId> <version>1.0-beta1</version> <configuration> <includes> <include>src/test/javascript/suite*.html</include> </includes> </configuration> </plugin>
You will probably also need to add Carbon Five’s public repository so that maven will know where to grab the plugin:
<pluginRepositories> <pluginRepository> <id>c5-public-repository</id> <name>Carbon Five Public Repository</name> <url>http://mvn.carbonfive.com/public</url> </pluginRepository> </pluginRepositories>
The <configuration> section contains standard maven <include> and <exclude> tags to allow you to specify any Screw.Unit test suite html files you would like to include in your build.
Now when maven executes its test phase, it will include your javascript tests as well. Any test that fails will halt the build. When the test phase is complete the target directory will contain a ‘screw-unit’ directory that contains the test reports. There will be two files for every file included in the test execution The first is an XML file named TEST-dir1.dir2.dir3.filename.html.xml that contains the test results for that file in a reasonable approximation of JUnit’s xml format. The other file will be named dir1.dir2.dir3.filename.html and will contain a sort of snapshot of the test suite’s html at the time the tests completed (the javascript will be removed and the css will be baked in).
Like Blue Ridge, the javascript-test-maven-plugin relies on the excellent env.js project and the less-excellent Rhino project to emulate a browser in Java. Unfortunately this combination creates the possibility of discrepancies between the browser and build results, and the probability of relatively slow test execution. To keep the simulation as realistic as possible, javascript-test-maven-plugin recreates the test environment for each Screw.Unit html file, so the more tests you can cram into a single file the faster your builds will run.
There are a few directions for future work. I’d like for the plugin to handle other browser-based javascript testing frameworks. Screw.Unit is popular, but seems suboptimal in many respects. The only limiting factor here is the plugin’s ability to interpret the results. If env.js could run in javascript interpreters other than Rhino, I’d like to give the the plugin the capability to fork out to spidermonkey for better compatibility and performance. Modifying the plugin would be relatively easy, but env.js appears to have some significant dependencies on Java.
Check it out if you have a need for this kind of thing and let us know if you have any problems or suggestions.
Alex is Carbon Five's resident mad genius. He is recently very involved in functional languages, and has been anchoring teams at C5 for the past decade.