Articles on canvas

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

Interactivity in HTML5 Canvas Visualizations

In the last canvas visualization post I discussed the canvas API’s transform functionality and how it greatly simplifies drawing complex visualizations.  In this post, I’ll talk a little about making canvas visualizations interactive and about problems you might encounter when mixing transforms and interactivity in a canvas application. Examples: (an HTML5 compatible browser is required

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

Taming 2D Transforms in HTML5 Canvas

This is the second post in a series on creating custom interactive visualizations in canvas.  The first post is here. The canvas API contains five methods (rotate, scale, translate, transform, and setTransform) used to transform the drawing context. We typically use the transform API when we want to rotate or scale some element of the

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

Visualizing Skillsets in HTML5 Canvas: Part 1

As Courtney chronicled in the journal, Carbon Five recently engaged in a group exercise to create a physical diagram of our skills and interests.  The activity was entertaining and produced a rather attractive artifact on the wall, but we soon realized that (aside from noting that some skills were more popular than others) there

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

A 3D Flocking Simulation using HTML5 Canvas

I recently unearthed an old Java applet that I had written many years ago and decided to see what it would look like as a single page canvas application (an HTML5 compatible browser is required to view this page). The applet was inspired by the way blackbirds roost on power lines in San Francisco (and