Articles on React

Sarah Port

Sarah Port

Redux Minus Redux With React Contexts

When it comes to state management in the front end, Redux has long reigned supreme. With the development of Contexts, we’re now seeing the beginning of an alternative which is brand new, but also capable of being completely familiar for long-time Redux fans. Using React Contexts with Redux-like paradigms is a good way to embrace

Linden Melvin

Linden Melvin

Replacing Component Lifecycle Methods with React Hooks

When writing React components, we sometimes need access to lifecycle events to handle a variety of side effects: fetching data on mount, sanitizing props when the component updates, cleaning up before the component unmounts, etc.

Will Ockelmann-Wagner

Will Ockelmann-Wagner

Optimizing Performance in React 16.8

React Dev Tools comes with a profiler that can help pin down performance problems, and React 16.8 came with some features to make it easier to improve performance of functional components. But to use these tools effectively you need to know what the problem is and how to find the culprit.

Will Ockelmann-Wagner

Will Ockelmann-Wagner

Shallow Testing Hooks with Enzyme

Hooks significantly simplify your code, and you can use them within an existing React codebase that otherwise uses classes. And it’s easy to dive right into using hooks – until you try to test your fancy new components.

Ken Shimizu

Ken Shimizu

Setting Up React Native Build Environments Using NativeModules

React Native is an emerging platform in the mobile space that allows developers to write native apps in Javascript without having to learn Java or Swift. It’s great conceptually, but developers end up having to write NativeModules (for iOS and Android) anyway because it lacks the tools that other frameworks generally provide. In this blog

Ken Shimizu

Ken Shimizu

Sharing and Testing Code in React with Higher Order Components

Higher Order Components (HoC) in React can be simple to use and test. If you haven’t read about HoC’s and how and why they’ve replaced mixins, check out this great Medium post by Dan Abramov. Most of the resources and examples that I found online about higher order components are complex, and don’t include a