Alon and I will be giving an hour talk about agile development next Wednesday at the SFRuby meetup:
Agile software development provides a number of discrete practices to help you be a better programmer and a great provider of programming services to your clients, internal or external to your business. The continuous daily rigor of testing, refactoring, pairing and integrating is a great path to producing quality software. The process of defining short development iterations with regular delivery and review with your client encourages collaboration and ensures that you are defining and meeting expectations along the way. We’ll describe the agile development and planning practices that we have found to be most effective in our work over the last 10 years and hope to hear from the group what is working for you.
The event is full, but there’s a waiting list… go ahead and sign up if you’d like to join us. Hope to see you there!
Updated! Slides…
Christian is a software developer, technical lead and agile coach. He's passionate about helping teams find creative ways to make work fun and productive. He's a partner at Carbon Five and serves as the Director of Engineering in the San Francisco office. When not slinging code or playing agile games, you can find him trekking in the Sierras and playing with his daughters.