Articles by Jonah Williams

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Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Deploying to Heroku from TeamCity

Previously I discussed our TeamCity configuration using RVM and mentioned that we often use git to deploy projects. Today I’ll share an example of how a TeamCity build agent can trigger deployments of a application hosted on Heroku and some of the challenges I found.

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Using RVM on TeamCity build agents

We have been using TeamCity to manage the continuous integration, testing, and deployment of many of our recent projects. We have also been using RVM on all of our recent Rails projects to allow us to install multiple ruby versions and create isolated gemsets for each project. RVM proved to be particularly useful on our

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

UIView Frames and Bounds

All UIViews have frame and bounds properties which define their dimensions. The similarity of these properties can cause some confusion when attempting to determine which property to use to calculate view sizes or reposition views. The frame of a view is given in the coordinates of its superview so a view controller’s view’s frame will

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Testing iPhone View Controllers

I have been writing tests around my iPhone apps’ view controllers in order to follow the same TDD practices we use in other environments. Writing tests first has changed the way I structure my code in a couple of ways which I think offer immediate and emergent benefits for my applications. Most of an iPhone

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Multiple Environments in an iPhone Project

I’ve been following a Rails convention and defining multiple environments for my iPhone projects. This allows me to quickly switch application wide settings when running a test, development, or production version of the app.

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Automatically deploying to Engine Yard Cloud

I’m working on a application which is deployed to Engine Yard’s Cloud infrastructure and I wanted to automatically redeploy the application whenever our tests passed on our continuous integration server. Engine Yard will eventually allow us to push a branch to our cloud environment from git (ie “git push engineyard master”) but until that is

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Unit testing JavaScript with Blue Ridge

My current rails project is using Blue Ridge and the tool set it bundles together (Rhino, env.js, Screw.Unit, and Smoke) to write test driven JavaScript. The ability to write tests of my JavaScript, in JavaScript, as efficiently as I can test other languages has forced me to rethink how I structure my work and I’m

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Code Formatting in Xcode

Using Xcode 4? Take a look at Code Formatting in Xcode 4 Working in Xcode I almost forgot how much I like IntelliJ’s code formatting tools. Luckily for me Mike Smith recently pointed out that UniversalIndentGUI can be used to setup your own code formatting in Xcode.

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Resizing views around the keyboard

Most of my iPhone apps need to accept keyboard input somewhere and that means I need to reposition my UI elements such that the keyboard does not hide the field the user is typing in. The iPhone Application Programming Guide offers one example of Moving Content That Is Located Under The Keyboard but this is

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Loading UITableViewCells from a nib file

While working on iPhone applications I have found it useful to load as much of the UI layout and styling from nib files as possible. As a result I often want to load the cells for a table view from a nib file and created a factory class to handle this behavior every time I