Articles by Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

iPhone gesture recognition

I recently needed to support some basic gesture recognition in an iPhone app. As it turns out this is a little bit tricky to do when the touches occur within the same responder chain as a view which already responds to touches (like a UIScrollView or UIWebView which might need to scroll or zoom in

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Resizing UILabel to fit text

UILabels are often the most convenient way to display simple text in an iPhone app however I often want a label to display variable text which may need to wrap to multiple lines. Simply increasing the height of the UILabel doesn’t help because a single line of text will be centered vertically within the label’s

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Custom Xcode Templates for iPhone Development

Previously we discussed building an iPhone Unit Testing Toolkit. I wanted to reuse that work without having to repeat those configuration steps every time I started a new Xcode project. Xcode provides a number of templates or starting iPhone applications so I made my own versions which include all of the unit testing tools we rely