Articles on consulting

Suzanna Smith Carbon Five
Nicole Thayer

Nicole Thayer

Building for Intersectionality in Tech: An Introduction

By Nicole Thayer & Tiffany Wong Conversations around the impact of technology, the specific products that are built, and the companies that build them are not new to Carbon Five. As consultants who work across various industries, every new project we take on comes with its unique set of challenges. Typically, these challenges are related

Carbon Five Senior Product Designer - Mandy Valladares
Carbon Five

Carbon Five

Carbon Five Roll Call: Mandy Valladares, Senior Product Designer

Carbon Five Roll Call is a new blog series introducing you to your next team of product managers, designers and software engineers. Learn more about us and how we can help support your next project. Meet Mandy!  Name: Mandy Valladares Title: Senior Product Designer Hometown: San Francisco, CA Carbon Five Office: New York

Brandy Davis-Balsamo

Brandy Davis-Balsamo

Working with Guests: Seven Tips for Getting your Company Ready to Leverage External Firepower

Companies have been successfully partnering with consultants since the dawn of time. Think IDEO’s work with Apple to create the mouse or Microsoft’s work with IBM to create MS-DOS. Our nation’s competitive strength comes, in large part, from this openness to collaborate, to learn from each other, to move quicker, and to leverage outside strengths,

Shannon Wells

Shannon Wells

Taming Technical Debt

You, fellow software engineer, have probably felt the same as I have: while coding some big feature, you find a thing that is inefficient, unreadable, deprecated, confusing, or just buggy. Maybe it’s not bad code at all — you just realize that several packages are out of date, or your framework needs to be upgraded.