It’s safe to say that a portfolio is one of the most important means to landing your first design job. Yet the work to build a portfolio is arduous for designers at any level. Gathering artifacts and documentation from past projects is time-consuming and often reveals disparities in depth, breadth, and overall quality from project …
At Carbon Five, we are always kicking off new projects with different teams, and we have a set of activities that we’ve found to be pretty critical in helping ensure our teams are aligned from the beginning. Here are three activities we’ve found to be particularly meaningful (and check out their templates here). Visions, Challenges, …
Four product development experts gathered in June to discuss how teams can create accessible products that are inclusive for users whose backgrounds may be very different from their own. The panel discussion, titled “Design and Intersectionality,” was part of San Francisco Design Week and was sponsored by Carbon Five. Panelists included designers and a product …
Carbon Five Roll Call is a blog series introducing you to our team of product managers, designers, and software engineers at Carbon Five. Learn more about us and how we can help support your next project. Meet Rico! Name: Rico Rodriquez Collins Title: Software Engineer Hometown: Jacksonville, Florida Carbon Five office: Santa Monica
Carbon Five Roll Call is a blog series introducing you to your next team of product managers, designers and software engineers. Learn more about us and how we can help support your next project. First up in 2021, meet Dimas! Name: Dimas Guardado Title: Principal Software Engineer Hometown: La Puente, CA Carbon Five Office: Santa Monica
An interview with Rick Wartzman and Sarah Zaner. In the midst of a global pandemic, Carbon Five client, Drucker Institute, launched Bendable, a community-based learning platform, in June 2020. We sat down with Rick Wartzman, Executive Director, and Sarah Zaner, Senior Director at KH Moon Center for a Functioning Society at Drucker Institute, to learn …
Greenfield projects have a hidden set of needs — and each one can be an opportunity for growth if handled well! But if handled poorly or if not handled at all, these pitfalls can perpetuate and multiply across the lifetime of the project, taking you further and further away from your treasure and further into the endless cave of despair.
The health and wellness industry is being forced to quickly adapt to new norms faster than ever before. Telemedicine and telehealth services are now on the rise. Contactless patient care and remote check-ups are becoming routine. Customer needs and behaviors are changing almost daily. So what does this mean for the future of health and …
Banking and financial institutions are rapidly working on digitizing products to stay relevant and better serve customers, but, the truth is, modernizing banking experiences is incredibly difficult. A digital project in the banking world is nothing short of an order of magnitude. The requirements behind developing successful banking products are staggering compared to the average …
Where else can you learn what your coworkers are doing, get your work unblocked, and get energized, all in 10 action-packed minutes?