Articles on Testing

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Testing iPhone View Controllers

I have been writing tests around my iPhone apps’ view controllers in order to follow the same TDD practices we use in other environments. Writing tests first has changed the way I structure my code in a couple of ways which I think offer immediate and emergent benefits for my applications. Most of an iPhone

Andy Peterson

Andy Peterson

Javascript Testing Talk in Oakland

Next week at EBig Jonah and I are wrapping up our world tour of talking about Javascript testing. March 17th in Oakland: “Recent evolutions in Javascript testing frameworks now allow creating test suites, test-driving development, and running tests on a continuous integration server. This allows us to support more complex Javascript, have confidence in the implementation,

Andy Peterson

Andy Peterson

Test-Driven JavaScript with ScrewUnit and BlueRidge

Jonah and I are taking our presentation about Javascript Testing on the road next Tuesday at 6:30 in Palo Alto, at the SDForum The teaser for it… Recent evolutions in JavaScript testing frameworks now allow creating test suites, test-driving development, and running tests on a continuous integration server. This allows us to support more complex JavaScript,

Alex Cruikshank

Alex Cruikshank

Screw.Unit JS Testing in Maven: javascript-test-maven-plugin

I’ve written a maven plugin to integrate Screw.Unit javascript tests into a maven build. The project is inspired by the Blue Ridge testing framework for Rails, but it’s a bit more light-weight by design.

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Unit testing JavaScript with Blue Ridge

My current rails project is using Blue Ridge and the tool set it bundles together (Rhino, env.js, Screw.Unit, and Smoke) to write test driven JavaScript. The ability to write tests of my JavaScript, in JavaScript, as efficiently as I can test other languages has forced me to rethink how I structure my work and I’m

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

C5 Test Support new addition: FunctionalTestRunner

We’re always looking for new ways to test our applications and we’ve been trying a few new things on our projects. One of the recent additions is a JUnit test runner designed to help make writing and running functional tests easier. In Javaland, we use Selenium and/or HtmlUnit for our functional tests. These are the

Christian Nelson

Christian Nelson

Web Application Testing @ SDForum October 6th

Updated: Added links to presentation and source code. I’ll be down in Palo Alto speaking about Automated Web Application Testing Tuesday October 6th. If you’re interest in getting a peek at the typical Carbon Five Java web architecture along with a variety of strategies and techniques for testing, c’mon down and join us. The session

Jonah Williams

Jonah Williams

Custom Xcode Templates for iPhone Development

Previously we discussed building an iPhone Unit Testing Toolkit. I wanted to reuse that work without having to repeat those configuration steps every time I started a new Xcode project. Xcode provides a number of templates or starting iPhone applications so I made my own versions which include all of the unit testing tools we rely

Andy Peterson

Andy Peterson

assert_changes and assert_no_changes in Ruby

Update: This code and documentation is now available on github: The Problem On our work on, we spend time to have good fixture data for our tests– data that can represent all the important application states that our tests require. As a result, our tests are very dependent on the data. It’s important

Alon Salant

Alon Salant

Custom Constraints for OCMock

In my last post on unit testing iPhone development I introduced a couple helpful tools including OCMock, a mock objects implementation for Objective-C. I recently came across a scenario where I needed to make an assertion on an argument passed to an expected method invocation but OCMock did not provide the constraint I needed. I