Carbon Five Roll Call Banner featuring Louise Laub, Senior Product Designer

Carbon Five Roll Call: Louise Laub, Senior Product Designer

Carbon Five ·

Carbon Five Roll Call is a blog series introducing you to the team of product managers, designers, and software engineers at Carbon Five. Learn more about us and how we can help support your next project. Now introducing, Louise! 

Name:  Louise Laub

Title: Senior Product Designer

Hometown: Palo Alto, CA

Carbon Five Office: San Francisco, CA

Emoji of choice: ☀️

Tell us a little bit about your background and area of expertise:

I started my career at the first interaction design company, Animatrix. Marney Morris, the founder and CEO, was a mentor to me and taught me the fundamentals of human centered design. After that, I worked at Apple, designing the home page and the hardware and software product launch pages, starting with the launch of the first iMac, iPod and the Apple Store. It was an incredible time to be at Apple. After taking 15 years off from my career to be a stay-at-home mom, I went back to school to get a master’s degree in interaction design (MDes) at California College of the Arts.

A few clients you’ve worked with include:

At Carbon Five: Drucker Institute, Genentech, Variant

Previously: Apple, Clinique, Chase, AT&T, Walt Disney

What’s the coolest thing about Carbon Five?

The company culture. Team members at Carbon Five are supportive of everyone’s strengths and individuality, and encourage each other to reach and grow. The atmosphere helps everyone really thrive and do their best work.

What advice would you give a younger you with regard to your career in tech?

Maintain relationships while taking time away from your career, even if you’re unsure when you plan to work again. 

Share one MUST DO recommendation:

Hook Fish Restaurant / Beer Garden in Marin – I love going (and bringing the pups!) for poke tacos and a cold beer in the sunshine, when it’s foggy in SF.


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